Innovation Mapping & Innovation management capacity building services for SMEs & start-ups

Innovation Mapping & Innovation management capacity building services for SMEs & start-ups:
- Digital Health Market intelligence at National and EU level (supported by EIT Health & EIT Digital)
- Basic Innovation Mapping
- Advanced Innovation Mapping
- Orientation & Deep Innovation support (first level technology and business coaching, deep technology support TRL 3-8, impact).
Intelligent Services:
Personalized News Alerts: Specialized information with News Alert sent to specific companies / customers, who pay to receive constant information and regular updates about a specific business activity. This Newsletter may include recent changes in legislation, foreign partners, etc.
Provision of Consulting Services by Teleconferencing: A company requests assistance from the local partner of Health Hub. The most appropriate Health Hub partner conducts research to provide relevant information and makes an appointment with the company for a twenty-minute video conference for the most comprehensive support of the company. In this way we do not limit ourselves to sending an answer by email which may not be opened or could be ignored by the company but, with the help of video conferencing, personalized information and detailed explanations are provided. Taking into account the time spent by the employee both during the preparation and during the teleconference, the pricing of the service is justified.