Courses on Advanced Digital Health technologies for Students & Fresh Graduates 

  • Access to Future Training Labs using VR & AR and training clinical personnel on the use of medical devices and interventions with the use of AR/VR technology 
  • Advanced digital skills in AI for students and fresh graduates.  Attendance in International Competitions/ Projects/ Conferences for Students’ & recent Graduates’ skills development (in the school context, not individually). More specific, we provide the
    • Preparation activities and guidance/ support of attendance for students and recent graduates in Health & Pharma sector in Competitions, through which they will gain access to an international network of organizations promoting skills training, as well as learn best practices of other countries and regions in their field. 
    • Encouragement and guidance/ support for students and recent graduates in Health & Pharma sector to attend national and international projects (e.g. Women in Health & Pharma sector) and conferences in the field to gain access to national/ international communities of authorities, accelerating their understanding of global trends in Health & Pharma. 
  • How can Digital Healthcare and AI contribute to the management and treatment of crisis situations such as COVID-19 and pandemics 
  • Mini MBAs for Students in collaboration with Universities/ Research Institutions with a duration of 12 weeks, in the fields of precision medicine, high-intensity bioimaging & modeling of biological systems; tools for data collection, telehealth/medicine, learning health systems
  • Apprenticeships (linked to recognized qualifications)/ Internships/ Traineeships for students & Recent Graduates trained in Digital Health Technologies to the SME’s of the Ecosystem at National & EU level through the EDIH Network (MoU’s that we have signed) to gain on-the-job training.