Innovation Management

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The Innovation Management service provided by JOIST Innovation Park focuses on providing customized solutions and support to businesses based on their needs and priorities. This service falls under the GROW category of the park and aims to promote innovation and digital transformation in businesses.

Businesses that use the Innovation Management service have the ability to communicate with a representative from JOIST and discuss their needs. Based on these needs, the JOIST representative will propose customized solutions and provide information about market trends, innovations relevant to the business environment, and funding opportunities, including the useful EUcalls tool.

The offered services related to Innovation Management are listed below:

Information on new trends:

The representative of JOIST Innovation Park will be responsible for identifying new trends, innovations, networks, regulatory changes, and decisions in topics that directly interest the client. At regular intervals, they will verify the client's interests and update the information in the client's profile on EUcalls.

In collaboration with the services in the FUND category of JOIST Innovation Park:

Funding invitations:

The innovative platform called EUcalls, developed by the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, will be used. The appointed Innovation Manager, as mentioned in the "Implementation of the Service" subchapter below, will create an account on behalf of the client and provide the necessary details. The Innovation Manager will also be responsible for updating the client's profile in the Tailored Plan for the duration of the agreement.

The client will have access to all invitations from the European Union, Third Parties Calls, etc. These specific invitations are a type of funding provided by the European Union through a wide range of programs in various fields that align with its priorities. Based on the above, the client, within a personalized environment, will be able to view relevant invitations on the EUcalls platform according to their thematic interests.

Support in European Programs and Networking:

In specific funding invitations (calls), the Innovation Manager will assess the client's eligibility. If the client is eligible, the following actions will be initiated to involve the organization in the specific invitation:

Creation of a file with basic information about the invitation (keywords, project budget, project completion timeframe).
The file will be sent to the client. After sending the file, an initial communication will take place to discuss ideas from the organization's side.
Networking the idea and the client's needs within the ecosystem of JOIST Innovation Park and searching for cases where the organization could participate as a partner.
Involvement of the team responsible for managing the cases, providing guidance to the client on submission matters.
Proposal writing:

In addition to the above, the representative of JOIST Innovation Park will be responsible for creating and submitting proposals based on the client's specific needs. The number of submissions will be defined in the agreement signed between the client and JOIST Innovation Park.